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Five Job Search Tips To Help You in 2018.

We are into the start of the new year which means that you might be thinking about new goals for yourself and your career. For many, finding a new or better job is one of those goals. As the job industry continues to shift year after year, it’s important to reconsider how you go about finding the right job for you, and yes, even getting hired at the job.

In 2018, these are the five go-to tips to help you find the right job for you.

1. Don’t Rely on Qualifications

Yes, you read that correctly. Don’t rely on the qualifications listed in the job description as a clear indicator of whether or not you should apply for the position. If it’s a job you feel passionate about and that excites you, you should apply – even if you don’t have every qualification listed. It’s a small risk to take for what could be a major reward.

2. Create a Support System

As you look for and apply for jobs, begin to create a solid support system. This support system can help you find great job opportunities as well as act as your references when you get to that stage of your job search. Connect with previous coworkers and managers who would be happy to speak on your behalf. They may also know of open positions in your industry that you would be a great fit for. You also may want to consider using an established search firm/recruiting agency that specializes in your industry. They often times have positions not advertised anywhere else and if you are a potential match, they can get you in front of a decision maker faster than you can on your own. They can also play a significant t role as coach and counselor in preparing you for each step of the interview process to helping to negotiate the strongest possible offer.

3. Get to Know Mentors

If you admire a person in your profession or look up to a colleague that belongs to the same group/association as you make it a point to get to know them. Ask them to have coffee with you one morning, hear about their own career experience, and learn from their advice. This can be out of many peoples "comfort zones" but take a bit of a risk. Most people will be flattered and eager to help another colleague find the success they’re looking for.

4. Make Your Own Decisions

As you seek for career advice and inspiration, remember to always come back to home base on considering what you truly want. People are always willing to give their opinions and feedback, which is great and often valuable, but ultimately, you need to find a job that you will be happy with, that can provide for you the life you want to live, and will help you reach your professional goals. Before you make any decision as you search for a job, make sure that it’s your decision and not someone else’s.

5. Adjust Your Resume for Keywords

As you apply to jobs, it’s important that you adjust each resume for the unique job position. Not only do you want to make sure it’s relevant to the qualifications and requirements, but you want to include keywords that match the job description. Especially when applying through job boards or career sites, the software can automatically scan for keywords, making some resumes jump to the top if they have more keyword matches.

Get the Job You Want in 2018

If you are a restaurant/hospitality professional and want to explore your career options in the New Year,please contact Beacon Search,Inc.

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